
IMAGinE presented project results in Pferdsfeld

One week after the virtual final presentation, the IMAGinE consortium presented the results of its research work in presence on May 19th, 2022. With driving demonstrations and an extensive exhibition, the one-day event focused on the direct experience of the concepts and components for cooperative maneuver coordination developed in IMAGinE. These were examined in the project on the basis of concrete driving functions and use cases both in simulations and in real cars and trucks on country roads and highways. To this end, ten real test vehicles were equipped and tested at various test sites - including the TRIWO test center in Pferdsfeld in Rhineland-Palatinate.

The driving demonstrations allowed the participants to get their own impression of the practical suitability of the IMAGinE systems. The IMAGinE functions F1 (Cooperative merging on highways), F4 (Cooperative strategic traffic distribution) and F5 (Cooperative turning at junctions) were demonstrated alongside the cooperative environment model. In addition, individual partners demonstrated different simulation methods, including Vehicle-in-the-Loop.

In a comprehensive exhibition, all partners presented their work and results by means of posters, presentations and simulations. Here, too, the experience value was not neglected. For example, visitors to the booth of the Technical University of Munich were able to experience intuitive concepts of human-machine interaction for cooperative driving for themselves in a driving simulator.

The twelve IMAGinE partners had been working on the development of new, innovative assistance systems for the cooperative driving of the future since September 2016. The project ended on May 31st, 2022.

Information on the main project contents and results can be found in the IMAGinE flyer (in German) and the press release on the project completion (in German).