IMAGinE system put into operation

From October 8 to 9, 2019, the IMAGinE partners from sub-project 4 (system and vehicle integration) met at the DRIVE Center of partner Hessen Mobil in Frankfurt/Main for another integration workshop. Objective of the workshop was to ensure that all relevant vehicle data is correctly distributed from the partner-specific structures via the IMAGinE system and then into the air as a V2X message. The focus of the investigations was the validation of the content sent by the test vehicles via Cooperative Awareness Messages as well as initial investigations of the Cooperative Perception Message.

At the two-day workshop, final work on the IMAGinE system – consisting of a function unit and waveBEE in the partners' vehicles – was carried out. This included ensuring that all the contents of the Cooperative Awareness Messages are completely filled and that all vehicles have a functional and complete status. For this purpose, the chain of effects vehicle → IMAGinE system → air → IMAGinE system → simulation → visualization was tested both at the interfaces and at the end points of the visualization and data recording.

The second day focused on the first attempts with the Cooperative Perception Message. Sensor data could already be transmitted from one vehicle to another vehicle, and basic sending and receipt could be verified.